Contrastive Learning for Event Sequences (CoLES)

Original paper: CoLES: Contrastive Learning for Event Sequences with Self-Supervision

CoLES is a framework that learn neural network to compress sequential data into a single embedding.

Imagine a credit card transaction history that can be an example of user behavioral. Each user have his own behavioral patterns which are projected to his transaction history. Repeatability of behavioral patterns lead to repeatability in transaction history.

CoLES exploit repeatability of patterns to make embedding. It samples a few subsequences from original sequence and calculates an embeddings for each of them. Embeddings are assigned to his user. Subsequences represent the same user and contain the same behavioral patterns. CoLES catch these patterns by making closer users embeddings. It also tries to distance different users embeddings.

Subsequences represent also original sequence, and the similarity of behavioral patterns allows the similarity of embeddings for original sequence and his subsequence.

CoLES learn:

  • more 'global' representation of sequence
  • embedding for each transaction is an internal state of seq_encoder
  • embedding for all sequence is an output of seq_encoder


ptls.frames.coles.CoLESModule is a LightningModule with CoLES framework. It should be parametrized by head and loss. Usually, loss requires a definition of sampling_strategy. CoLES datamodule requires a split_strategy. Combination of these parameters provides a variety of training methods.


seq_encoder = ...
coles_module = CoLESModule(

ColesDataset and split strategies

Use ptls.frames.coles.ColesDataset or ptls.frames.coles.ColesIterableDataset. They are parametrised with splitter from ptls.frames.coles.split_strategy

Coles losses and sampling strategies

Use classes from:

  • ptls.frames.coles.losses
  • ptls.frames.coles.sampling_strategies

Head selection

Use ptls.nn.Head. Default head has only l2-norm layer (Head(use_norm_encoder=True)).

Head with MLP inside realise projection head concept from SimCLR.


See docstrings for classes.

  • ptls.frames.coles.ColesDataset
  • ptls.frames.coles.ColesIterableDataset
  • ptls.frames.coles.CoLESModule

  • ptls.frames.coles.split_strategy

  • ptls.frames.coles.losses
  • ptls.frames.coles.sampling_strategies